Kosk Zip Codes: Aydin, Turkey

List of Kosk Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Kosk Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Aydin Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Ahatlar 09570
Akcakoy 09570
Baklakoy 09570
Bascayir 09570
Beykoy 09570
Ciftlikkoy 09570
Cumadere 09570
Cumayani 09570
Gokkiris 09570
Gundogan 09570
Guzelkoy 09570
Ilidag 09570
Karatepe 09570
Ketenyeri 09570
Kiran 09570
Kizilcakoy 09570
Kizilcayer 09570
Kocak 09570
Kosk 09570
Menteseler 09570
Mezekoy 09570
Ovakoy 09570
Saricam 09570
Uzundere 09570
Yavuzkoy 09570

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