Kuyucak Zip Codes: Aydin, Turkey

List of Kuyucak Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Kuyucak Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Aydin Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Aksaz 09950
Azizabat 09950
Basaran 09935
Belenova 09930
Beseylul 09930
Bucakkoy 09950
Camdibi 09930
Cobanisa 09930
Derekoy 09950
Gencelli 09950
Gencellidere 09950
Horsunlu 09950
Igdecik 09950
Karapinar 09930
Kayran 09930
Kurtulus 09965
Kuyucak 09930
Musakolu 09930
Oren 09930
Ovacik 09930
Pamucak 09940
Pamukoren 09940
Saricaova 09940
Tasoluk 09930
Yamalak 09965
Yaylali 09930
Yesildere 09930
Yore 09940
Yukariyakacik 09930

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