Pazaryeri Zip Codes: Bilecik, Turkey

List of Pazaryeri Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Pazaryeri Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Bilecik Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Ahmetler 11800
Alinca 11800
Arapdede 11800
Arpadere 11800
Bahcesultan 11800
Bozcaarmut 11800
Bulduk 11800
Burcalik 11800
Buyukelmali 11800
Demirkoy 11800
Derekoy 11800
Dulgeroglu 11800
Esemen 11800
Firinlar 11800
Gude 11800
Gumusdere 11800
Gunyurdu 11800
Karadede 11800
Karakoy 11800
Kinik 11800
Kucukelmali 11800
Nazifpasa 11800
Pazaryeri 11800
Saridayi 11800
Sarnic 11800

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