Yenipazar Zip Codes: Aydin, Turkey
List of Yenipazar Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Yenipazar Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Aydin Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.
Zip/Postal Codes
Alhan | 09350 |
Aliogullar | 09350 |
Cavdarkoy | 09350 |
Culhan | 09350 |
Derekoy | 09350 |
Direcik | 09350 |
Donduran | 09350 |
Egridere | 09350 |
Hacikoseler | 09350 |
Hamzabali | 09350 |
Karacakal | 09350 |
Karacaoren | 09350 |
Koyunlar | 09350 |
Pasakoy | 09350 |
Yenipazar | 09350 |
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