Yayladere Zip Codes: Bingol, Turkey

List of Yayladere Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Yayladere Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Bingol Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Alinyazi 12650
Aydinlar 12650
Batiayaz 12650
Bilekkaya 12650
Bogazkoy 12650
Calikagil 12650
Catalkaya 12650
Cayagzi 12650
Dalbasan 12650
Dogucak 12650
Gokcedal 12650
Guneslik 12650
Gunluk 12650
Kalkanli 12650
Kirkoy 12650
Korlu 12650
Surmelikoc 12650
Yavuztas 12650
Yaylabag 12650
Yayladere 12650
Zeynelli 12650

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