Adilcevaz Zip Codes: Bitlis, Turkey

List of Adilcevaz Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Adilcevaz Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Bitlis Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Adilcevaz 13500
Akcira 13500
Akyazi 13500
Asagisuphan 13500
Aydinlar 13500
Aygirgolu 13500
Bahcedere 13500
Canakyayla 13500
Cihangir 13500
Danaci 13500
Dizdar 13500
Erikbagi 13500
Esenkiyi 13500
Golduzu 13500
Golustu 13500
Gumusduven 13500
Harmantepe 13500
Heybeli 13500
Ipekcayir 13500
Karakol 13500
Karaseyh 13500
Karsiyaka 13500
Kavustuk 13500
Komurlu 13500
Mollafadil 13500
Orentas 13500
Yarimada 13500
Yildizkoy 13500
Yolcati 13500
Yukarisuphan 13500

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