Ahlat Zip Codes: Bitlis, Turkey

List of Ahlat Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Ahlat Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Bitlis Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Ahlat 13400
Akcaoren 13400
Alakir 13400
Bahce 13400
Burcukaya 13400
Catalagzi 13400
Cemalettin 13400
Cukurtarla 13400
Develik 13400
Dilburnu 13400
Golgoren 13400
Guzelsu 13400
Kinalikoc 13400
Kirikkaya 13400
Kirkdonum 13400
Kushane 13400
Nazik 13400
Otluyazi 13400
Ovakisla 13400
Saka 13400
Serinbayir 13400
Seyrantepe 13400
Soganli 13400
Tasharman 13400
Uludere 13400
Yenikopru 13400
Yogurtyemez 13400
Yuvadami 13400

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