Kibriscik Zip Codes: Bolu, Turkey

List of Kibriscik Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Kibriscik Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Bolu Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Alanhimmetler 14610
Alemdar 14610
Bali 14610
Belen 14610
Bolucekkaya 14610
Borucak 14610
Cokeler 14610
Deveci 14610
Deveoren 14610
Dokumacilar 14610
Geris 14610
Karacaoren 14610
Karakoy 14610
Kibriscik 14610
Kilkara 14610
Kizilcaoren 14610
Kokez 14610
Koseler 14610
Kuzca 14610
Nadas 14610
Sarikaya 14610
Taslik 14610
Yazica 14610

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