Kargi Zip Codes: Corum, Turkey

List of Kargi Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Kargi Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Corum Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Abdullah 19900
Akcatas 19900
Akkaya 19900
Akkese 19900
Alioglu 19900
Arik 19900
Avsar 19900
Bademce 19900
Bagozu 19900
Baskoy 19900
Bayat 19900
Beygircioglu 19900
Bozarmut 19900
Cakirlar 19900
Calkoy 19900
Celtikozu 19900
Cetmi 19900
Cihadiye 19900
Cobankaya 19900
Cobanlar 19900
Cukuralic 19900
Demiroren 19900
Derekoy 19900
Gokbudak 19900
Gokcedogan 19900
Golet 19900
Goletderekoy 19900
Golkoy 19900
Gumusolugu 19900
Guney 19900
Gunyazi 19900
Hacihamza 19900
Haciveli 19900
Halilar 19900
Incecay 19900
Kabakci 19900
Karaboya 19900
Karacaoglan 19900
Karakese 19900
Karaosmanli 19900
Karapurcek 19900
Kargi 19900
Kavakcayi 19900
Koprubasi 19900
Koyunkiran 19900
Maksutlu 19900
Oguzkoy 19900
Orencik 19900
Pelitcik 19900
Pelitozu 19900
Saraclar 19900
Saraycik 19900
Sekikoy 19900
Sinanozu 19900
Sunluk 19900
Tepelice 19900
Uzunyurt 19900
Yagcilar 19900
Yesilkoy 19900

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