Ugurludag Zip Codes: Corum, Turkey

List of Ugurludag Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Ugurludag Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Corum Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Ambarci 19410
Asiliarmut 19410
Boztepe 19410
Buyukerikli 19410
Dagonu 19410
Eskiceltek 19410
Gokceagac 19410
Karaevliya 19410
Karakisik 19410
Kirkoy 19410
Kizagili 19410
Kopec 19410
Kucukerikli 19410
Resuloglu 19410
Saz 19410
Torunlar 19410
Ucdam 19410
Ugurludag 19410
Yarimca 19410
Yeniyapan 19410

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