Kale Zip Codes: Denizli, Turkey

List of Kale Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Kale Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Denizli Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Adamharmani 20570
Alanyurt 20570
Belenkoy 20570
Cakirbag 20570
Camlarca 20570
Demirciler 20570
Dogankoy 20570
Esenkaya 20570
Gokceoren 20570
Golbasi 20570
Incegiz 20570
Kale 20570
Karakoy 20575
Karayayla 20570
Kayabasi 20570
Kirkoy 20570
Kocarbogazi 20570
Kunar 20570
Kurbagalik 20570
Muslugume 20570
Narli 20570
Ortakoy 20570
Ortatepe 20570
Ozluce 20570
Yenidere 20570
Yenikoy 20570

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