Hani Zip Codes: Diyarbakir, Turkey

List of Hani Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Hani Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Diyarbakir Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Abacilar 21800
Akcayurt 21800
Anil 21800
Belen 21800
Cardakli 21800
Cukurkoy 21800
Gomec 21800
Gurbuz 21800
Hani 21800
Kalaba 21800
Kaledibi 21800
Kirim 21800
Kuyular 21800
Okurkoy 21800
Senlik 21800
Serenkoy 21800
Sergen 21800
Soylu 21800
Suslu 21800
Topcular 21800
Uzunlar 21800
Yayvan 21800
Yukariturali 21800

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