Ipsala Zip Codes: Edirne, Turkey

List of Ipsala Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Ipsala Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Edirne Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Ahir 22490
Balabancik 22490
Esetce 22490
Haci 22490
Hidirkoy 22490
Ibriktepe 22490
Ipsala 22400
Karaagac 22490
Kocahidir 22490
Korucu 22490
Koyuntepe 22490
Koyunyeri 22490
Kucukdoganca 22490
Kumdere 22490
Pasakoy 22490
Pazardere 22490
Saricaali 22490
Sarpdere 22490
Sultan 22490
Tevfikiye 22490
Turpcular 22490
Yapildak 22490
Yenikarpuzlu 22420

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