Meric Zip Codes: Edirne, Turkey

List of Meric Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Meric Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Edirne Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Adasarhanli 22680
Akcadam 22680
Akincilar 22680
Alibey 22680
Buyukaltiagac 22680
Hasirciarnavutkoy 22680
Kadidondurma 22680
Karahamza 22680
Karayusuflu 22680
Kavakli 22680
Kucukaltiagac 22680
Kupdere 22680
Kuplu 22610
Meric 22600
Nasuhbey 22680
Olacak 22680
Pasayenice 22680
Rahmanca 22680
Saatagaci 22680
Serem 22680
Subasi 22670
Umurca 22680
Yakupbey 22680
Yenicegorece 22680

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