Karacoban Zip Codes: Erzurum, Turkey

List of Karacoban Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Karacoban Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Erzurum Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Akkavak 25610
Binpinar 25610
Bozyar 25610
Budakli 25610
Burnaz 25610
Catalgul 25610
Dedeoren 25610
Doganbey 25610
Duman 25610
Erenler 25610
Gunduzkoy 25610
Karacoban 25610
Karagoz 25610
Karakopru 25610
Karmis 25610
Kirimkaya 25610
Kopal 25610
Kusluca 25610
Maruf 25610
Molladavut 25610
Ovayoncali 25610

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