Oguzeli Zip Codes: Gaziantep, Turkey

List of Oguzeli Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Oguzeli Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Gaziantep Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Acar 27900
Beloren 27900
Buyuksahinbey 27910
Catalsu 27900
Doganpinar 27900
Dokuzyol 27900
Durukoy 27900
Dutluca 27900
Ekinveren 27900
Gundogan 27900
Ikizkuyu 27900
Kasyolu 27900
Kavunluk 27900
Kayalipinar 27900
Kecikuyusu 27900
Kocaklar 27900
Oguzeli 27900
Sergili 27900
Tinazdere 27900
Ugurova 27900
Yakacik 27900
Yazili 27900
Yenikoy 27900
Yesildere 27920

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