Camoluk Zip Codes: Giresun, Turkey

List of Camoluk Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Camoluk Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Giresun Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Akyapi 28710
Bayirli 28710
Cakillikaya 28710
Camoluk 28710
Daldibi 28710
Egnir 28710
Findikli 28710
Gucer 28710
Gurcali 28710
Haciahmetoglu 28710
Hacioren 28710
Kaledere 28710
Karadikmen 28710
Kayacik 28710
Kaynar 28710
Kilictutan 28710
Kocak 28710
Kutluca 28710
Okcaoren 28710
Ozankoy 28710
Pinarli 28710
Sarpkaya 28710
Tascilar 28710
Tasdemir 28710
Usluca 28710
Yenice 28710
Yenikoy 28710
Yusufeli 28710

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