Aksu Zip Codes: Almaty Region, Kazakhstan

List of Aksu Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Aksu Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Almaty Region Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Koshkental 040116
Kuraksu 040117
Kyzylagash 040118
Kyzyltu 040119
Matai 040120
Molaly 040121
Oytogan 040122
Sagabien 040123
Suyksai 040124
Zhanalyk 040108
Zhansugirov 040100
Aksu 040101
Alazhide 040102
Altynaryk 040103
Arasan 040104
Eginsu 040105
Enbek 040106
Esbolatov 040107
Kapal 040109
Karakoz 040110
Karashilik 040111
Kenzhyra 040112
Kokozek 040114
Kokzhaidak 040113
Kopa 040115

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