Egirdir Zip Codes: Isparta, Turkey

List of Egirdir Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Egirdir Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Isparta Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Agilkoy 32500
Akbelenli 32500
Akdogan 32500
Akpinar 32500
Asagigokdere 32500
Bademli 32500
Bagcik 32500
Bagilli 32500
Bagoren 32500
Balkiri 32500
Barla 32500
Beydere 32500
Caykoy 32500
Egirdir 32500
Eyupler 32500
Gokcehoyuk 32500
Havutlu 32500
Kirinti 32500
Mahmatlar 32500
Merkezkoyler 32500
Pazarkoy 32500
Sariidris 32550
Serpilkoy 32500
Sevincbey 32500
Sipahiler 32500
Sorkuncak 32500
Tepeli 32500
Yilgincak 32500
Yukarigokdere 32500
Yuvali 32500

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