Aliaga Zip Codes: Izmir, Turkey
List of Aliaga Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Aliaga Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Izmir Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.
Zip/Postal Codes
Aliaga | 35800 |
Asagisakran | 35800 |
Bahcedere | 35800 |
Bozkoy | 35800 |
Cakmakli | 35800 |
Caltilidere | 35800 |
Citak | 35800 |
Coraklar | 35800 |
Guzelhisar | 35800 |
Haciomerli | 35800 |
Helvaci | 35820 |
Horozgedigi | 35800 |
Kalabak | 35800 |
Kapikaya | 35800 |
Karakoy | 35800 |
Karakuzu | 35800 |
Samurlu | 35800 |
Sehitkemal | 35800 |
Uzunhasanlar | 35800 |
Yenisakran | 35810 |
Yuksekkoy | 35800 |
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