Aliaga Zip Codes: Izmir, Turkey

List of Aliaga Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Aliaga Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Izmir Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Aliaga 35800
Asagisakran 35800
Bahcedere 35800
Bozkoy 35800
Cakmakli 35800
Caltilidere 35800
Citak 35800
Coraklar 35800
Guzelhisar 35800
Haciomerli 35800
Helvaci 35820
Horozgedigi 35800
Kalabak 35800
Kapikaya 35800
Karakoy 35800
Karakuzu 35800
Samurlu 35800
Sehitkemal 35800
Uzunhasanlar 35800
Yenisakran 35810
Yuksekkoy 35800

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