Bornova Zip Codes: Izmir, Turkey

List of Bornova Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Bornova Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Izmir Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Altindag 35080
Ataturk 35030
Besyol 35040
Bornova 35040
Camdibi 35090
Camici 35040
Cicekli 35040
Egridere 35040
Gokdere 35040
Isikkent 35070
Karacam 35040
Kavaklidere 35040
Kayadibi 35040
Kazimdirik 35100
Kurudere 35040
Laka 35040
Naldoken 35050
Pinarbasi 35060
Sarnickoy 35040
Yakakoy 35040

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