Dikili Zip Codes: Izmir, Turkey

List of Dikili Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Dikili Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Izmir Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Bademli 35980
Bahceli 35980
Caglan 35980
Candarli 35985
Cukuralan 35980
Deliktas 35985
Demirtas 35985
Denizkoy 35980
Dikili 35980
Esentepe 35985
Gokceagil 35980
Islamlar 35980
Kabakum 35980
Katiralani 35980
Kiratli 35980
Kiroba 35980
Kizilcukur 35980
Kocaoba 35980
Mazili 35980
Merdivenli 35980
Nebiler 35980
Salihler 35980
Samanlikkoy 35980
Uzunburun 35980
Yahsibey 35980
Yaylayurt 35985
Yenice 35980

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