Kinik Zip Codes: Izmir, Turkey

List of Kinik Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Kinik Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Izmir Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Arpadere 35990
Arpaseki 35990
Aziziye 35990
Bademalani 35990
Bagalani 35990
Balaban 35990
Buyukoba 35990
Calti 35990
Cankoy 35990
Ciftlikkoy 35990
Cumali 35990
Degirmencieli 35990
Dundarli 35990
Elmadere 35990
Hamzahocali 35990
Ibrahimaga 35990
Isiklar 35990
Kalemkoy 35990
Karadere 35990
Karatekeli 35990
Kinik 35990
Kocaomerli 35990
Kodukburun 35990
Koseler 35990
Mistiklar 35990
Musacali 35990
Ortulu 35990
Poyracik 35990
Sucahli 35990
Tastepe 35990
Yayakent 35990
Yaylakoy 35990

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