Yesilhisar Zip Codes: Kayseri, Turkey

List of Yesilhisar Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Yesilhisar Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Kayseri Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Akkoy 38800
Arapli 38800
Baskoy 38800
Buget 38800
Cadirkaya 38800
Derbentbasi 38800
Doganli 38800
Erdemli 38800
Gulbayir 38800
Guzeloz 38800
Icmece 38800
Kalekoy 38800
Kavakkoy 38800
Kayadibi 38800
Keslik 38800
Kovali 38800
Kuscu 38800
Musahacili 38800
Ovaciftlikkoy 38800
Soganli 38800
Yesilhisar 38800
Yesilova 38800

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