Lefkosa Zip Codes: Kktc, Turkey

List of Lefkosa Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Lefkosa Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Kktc Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Akincilar 99280
Alaykoy 99200
Balikesir 99100
Beykoy 99100
Cihangir 99100
Cukurova 99100
Degirmenlik 99050
Demirhan 99100
Dilekkaya 99100
Duzova 99100
Erdemli 99100
Gazikoy 99100
Gaziler 99290
Gokhan 99100
Gonyeli 99150
Gurpinar 99250
Hamitkoy 99040
Haspolat 99040
Ikidere 99250
Kalavac 99100
Kanlikoy 99190
Kirikkale 99100
Kirklar 99100
Lefkosa 99010
Meric 99100
Minarelikoy 99100
Turkeli 99250
Yenicekoy 99100
Yigitler 99100
Yilmazkoy 99250

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