Beysehir Zip Codes: Konya, Turkey

List of Beysehir Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Beysehir Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Konya Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Adakoy 42700
Agilonu 42700
Akburun 42700
Akcabelen 42700
Avdancik 42700
Bademli 42700
Basgoze 42700
Bayafsar 42700
Bayat 42700
Bayindir 42700
Bektemir 42700
Beysehir 42700
Cicekler 42700
Ciftlikkoy 42700
Civril 42700
Doganbey 42740
Egirler 42700
Emen 42700
Esence 42700
Eylikler 42700
Fasillar 42700
Gocu 42700
Gokcimen 42700
Golkasi 42700
Golyaka 42700
Huglu 42710
Huseyinler 42700
Isakoy 42700
Karaali 42700
Karadiken 42700
Karahisar 42700
Kayabasi 42700
Kucukafsar 42700
Kurucaova 42715
Kusluca 42700
Mesutlar 42700
Sadikhaci 42700
Samlar 42700
Sarikoy 42700
Sevindik 42700
Ustunler 42700
Uzumlu 42720
Yazyurdu 42700
Yenidogan 42760
Yesildag 42730
Yukariesence 42700

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