Huyuk Zip Codes: Konya, Turkey

List of Huyuk Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Huyuk Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Konya Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Baslamis 42690
Budak 42690
Burunsuz 42690
Camlica 42690
Cavus 42690
Cukurkent 42690
Degirmenalti 42690
Goceri 42690
Gorunmez 42690
Huyuk 42690
Ilmen 42690
Imrenler 42698
Kireli 42696
Kosk 42690
Mutlu 42690
Pinarbasi 42690
Selki 42690
Suludere 42690
Tolca 42690
Yenice 42690

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