Seydisehir Zip Codes: Konya, Turkey

List of Seydisehir Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Seydisehir Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Konya Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Akcalar 42360
Asagikaraoren 42360
Baskaraoren 42360
Bostandere 42360
Boyali 42360
Bukce 42360
Catkoy 42360
Catmakaya 42360
Cavus 42360
Dikilitas 42360
Gevrekli 42365
Gokcehuyuk 42360
Gokhuyuk 42360
Golyuzu 42360
Incesu 42360
Irmakli 42360
Karabulak 42360
Karacaoren 42360
Kavakkoy 42360
Kesecik 42363
Ketenli 42360
Kizilca 42360
Kozlu 42360
Kumluca 42360
Kuran 42360
Madenli 42360
Mesudiye 42360
Muradiye 42360
Oglakci 42360
Ortakaraoren 42380
Saraycik 42360
Sofuhane 42360
Stadyum 42370
Susuz 42360
Tarasci 42385
Tasagil 42360
Tepecik 42360
Tolkoy 42360
Ufacik 42360
Yaylacik 42360
Yenice 42360

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