Kuluncak Zip Codes: Malatya, Turkey

List of Kuluncak Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Kuluncak Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Malatya Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Alvar 44760
Asagiselimli 44760
Basoren 44760
Bicir 44760
Biyikbogazi 44760
Caykoy 44760
Ciritbelen 44760
Darili 44760
Gogebakan 44760
Ilisuluk 44760
Karabuk 44760
Karincalik 44760
Karlik 44760
Kaynarca 44760
Kizilhisar 44760
Kizilmagara 44760
Komuklu 44760
Konaktepe 44760
Kuluncak 44760
Sofular 44760
Sultanli 44760
Temeklu 44760

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