Bodrum Zip Codes: Mugla, Turkey

List of Bodrum Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Bodrum Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Mugla Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Kadikalesi 48970
Kemer 48440
Konacik 48480
Kumkoy 48440
Mazikoy 48440
Mumcular 48440
Ortakent 48420
Peksimet 48960 48970
Pinarlibelen 48440
Sazkoy 48440
Tepecik 48440
Turgutreis 48960
Yaka 48400
Yali 48401
Yalikavak 48990
Yenikoy 48440
Akyarlar 48960
Bahceyakasi 48440
Bitez 48470
Bodrum 48400
Camlik 48440
Comlekci 48440
Derekoy 48960
Gokpinar 48440
Golturkbuku 48483
Gumusluk 48970
Gundogan 48965
Gurece 48400
Guvercinlik 48450
Islamhaneleri 48960

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