Dalaman Zip Codes: Mugla, Turkey

List of Dalaman Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Dalaman Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Mugla Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Bozbel 48770
Cogmen 48770
Dalaman 48770
Dariyeri 48770
Elcik 48770
Gurkoy 48770
Gurleyik 48770
Kapikargin 48770
Karacaagac 48770
Karginkuru 48770
Kavacik 48770
Kayadibi 48770
Kizilkaya 48770
Narli 48770
Sabunlu 48770
Serefler 48770
Tasbasi 48770

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