Marmaris Zip Codes: Mugla, Turkey
List of Marmaris Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Marmaris Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Mugla Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.
Zip/Postal Codes
Adakoy | 48700 |
Armutalan | 48706 |
Bayir | 48700 |
Bayirkoy | 48710 |
Beldibi | 48704 |
Bozburun | 48710 |
Camli | 48700 |
Cetibeli | 48700 |
Hisaronu | 48700 |
Icmeler | 48720 |
Karaca | 48700 |
Marmaris | 48700 |
Orhaniye | 48700 |
Osmaniye | 48700 |
Selimiye | 48700 48710 |
Sogut | 48700 |
Sogutkoy | 48710 |
Taslica | 48700 48710 |
Turgut | 48700 |
Turgutkoy | 48710 |
Turunc | 48740 |
Yesilbelde | 48700 |
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