Marmaris Zip Codes: Mugla, Turkey

List of Marmaris Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Marmaris Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Mugla Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Adakoy 48700
Armutalan 48706
Bayir 48700
Bayirkoy 48710
Beldibi 48704
Bozburun 48710
Camli 48700
Cetibeli 48700
Hisaronu 48700
Icmeler 48720
Karaca 48700
Marmaris 48700
Orhaniye 48700
Osmaniye 48700
Selimiye 48700 48710
Sogut 48700
Sogutkoy 48710
Taslica 48700 48710
Turgut 48700
Turgutkoy 48710
Turunc 48740
Yesilbelde 48700

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