Kozakli Zip Codes: Nevsehir, Turkey

List of Kozakli Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Kozakli Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Nevsehir Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Abdikoy 50600
Akpinar 50600
Ayili 50600
Belekli 50600
Bogazici 50600
Buyukyagli 50600
Cagsak 50600
Cayici 50600
Dortyol 50600
Doyduk 50600
Gerce 50600
Hacifakili 50600
Hizirusagi 50600
Imran 50600
Kalecik 50600
Kanlica 50600
Kapakli 50600
Karahasanli 50600
Karasenir 50600
Kaskisla 50600
Kozakli 50600
Kucukyagli 50600
Kulluce 50600
Kuruagil 50600
Merdanali 50600
Ozce 50600
Taslihoyuk 50600
Yassica 50600

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