Urgup Zip Codes: Nevsehir, Turkey

List of Urgup Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Urgup Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Nevsehir Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Akkoy 50400
Aksalur 50350
Ayvali 50400
Bahceli 50400
Basdere 50400
Boyali 50400
Cemilkoy 50400
Cokek 50400
Demirtas 50400
Ibrahimpasa 50400
Iltas 50400
Karacaoren 50400
Karain 50400
Karakaya 50400
Karlik 50400
Mazikoy 50400
Mustafapasa 50400
Ortahisar 50650
Sahinefendi 50400
Sarihidir 50400
Sofular 50400
Taskinpasa 50400
Ulasli 50400
Urgup 50400
Yesiloz 50400

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