Ulukisla Zip Codes: Nigde, Turkey

List of Ulukisla Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Ulukisla Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Nigde Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Aktoprak 51900
Alihoca 51900
Altay 51900
Ardicli 51900
Basmakci 51900
Bayagil 51900
Canakci 51900
Ciftehan 51900
Ciftekoy 51900
Darbogaz 51900
Elmali 51900
Eminlik 51900
Emirler 51900
Gedelli 51900
Gumuskoy 51900
Guney 51900
Hacibekirli 51900
Handere 51900
Hasangazi 51900
Horoz 51900
Husniye 51900
Ilhankoy 51900
Imrahor 51900
Karacaoren 51900
Katranci 51900
Kilan 51900
Kocak 51900
Kolsuz 51900
Kozluca 51900
Madenkoy 51900
Ovacik 51900
Porsuk 51900
Seyhomerli 51900
Tabakli 51900
Teknecukur 51900
Tepekoy 51900
Toraman 51900
Ulukisla 51900
Unluyaka 51900
Yeniyildiz 51900

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