Pamukova Zip Codes: Sakarya, Turkey

List of Pamukova Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Pamukova Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Sakarya Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Agaccilar 54900
Ahiler 54900
Akcakaya 54900
Bacikoy 54900
Bakacak 54900
Bayirakcasehir 54900
Cardak 54900
Cihadiye 54900
Cilekli 54900
Egricay 54900
Eskiyayla 54900
Fevziye 54900
Gokgoz 54900
Hayrettin 54900
Huseyinli 54900
Isabali 54900
Kadikoy 54900
Karapinar 54900
Kazimiye 54900
Kemaliye 54900
Mekece 54900
Mesruriye 54900
Oruclu 54900
Ozbek 54900
Pamukova 54900
Pasalar 54900
Pinarli 54900
Sahmelek 54900
Seyhvarmaz 54900
Tesvikiye 54900
Turgutlu 54900

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