Canik Zip Codes: Samsun, Turkey

List of Canik Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Canik Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Samsun Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Ambarpinar 55080
Avluca 55080
Basalan 55080
Baskonak 55080
Caglayan 55080
Camalan 55080
Canik 55080
Demirci 55080
Dereler 55080
Devgeris 55080
Duvecik 55080
Duzardic 55080
Duzeren 55080
Findicak 55080
Gazikoy 55080
Gecehan 55080
Godekli 55080
Gokcepinar 55080
Golalan 55080
Gultepe 55080
Gurgenyatak 55080
Hacinaipli 55080
Hilaltepe 55080
Imamlar 55080
Kalebogazi 55080
Kasyayla 55080
Kestanepinari 55080
Kiziloglak 55080
Kozlu 55080
Muratli 55080
Saribiyik 55080
Sirinkoy 55080
Tekkiraz 55080
Teknepinar 55080
Toygar 55080
Tuzakli 55080
Ucpinar 55080
Yayla 55080
Yenikoy 55080
Yesilpinar 55080

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