Ondokuzmayis Zip Codes: Samsun, Turkey

List of Ondokuzmayis Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Ondokuzmayis Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Samsun Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Aydinpinar 55420
Beylik 55420
Candir 55420
Cebinler 55420
Cerekli 55420
Cetirlipinar 55420
Ciftlikkoy 55420
Dagkoy 55420
Derekoy 55421
Duzkoy 55420
Engiz 55420
Erenkoy 55420
Esentepe 55420
Findikli 55420
Hibe 55420
Karacaoglu 55420
Karagol 55420
Kertme 55420
Kosedik 55420
Kuskayasi 55420
Ondokuz Mayis Ballica 55420
Ormancik 55420
Tepekoy 55420
Yesilkoy 55420
Yesilyurt 55420
Yorukler 55431

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