Turkeli Zip Codes: Sinop, Turkey

List of Turkeli Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Turkeli Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Sinop Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Alagoz 57900
Ayaz 57900
Catakgeris 57900
Catakguney 57900
Catakorencik 57900
Direkli 57900
Duzkoy 57900
Duzler 57900
Gaziler 57900
Gencek 57900
Gokcealan 57900
Gundogdu 57900
Guzelkent 57900
Hacikoy 57900
Hamamli 57900
Isikli 57900
Karabey 57900
Kayabasi 57900
Kuscular 57900
Kuzkoy 57900
Oymayaka 57900
Sarmasik 57900
Satikoy 57900
Sazkisla 57900
Tacahmet 57900
Tasguney 57900
Turhan 57900
Turkeli 57900
Yaprakli 57900
Yazici 57900
Yesiloba 57900
Yusuflu 57900
Akcabuk 57900

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