Idil Zip Codes: Sirnak, Turkey

List of Idil Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Idil Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Sirnak Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Akdag 73300
Akkoyunlu 73300
Basakkoy 73300
Bereketli 73300
Bozburun 73300
Bozkir 73300
Cinarli 73300
Cukurlu 73300
Dirsekli 73300
Dumanli 73300
Durukoy 73300
Guzelova 73300
Hendekkoy 73300
Idil 73300
Isik 73300
Karalar 73300
Kasikci 73300
Kayali 73300
Kayi 73300
Kentli 73300
Kuyulu 73300
Magarakoy 73300
Ogunduk 73300
Okcu 73300
Ortakoy 73300
Oymak 73300
Ozan 73300
Ozen 73300
Pecenek 73300
Pinarbasi 73300
Sarikoy 73300
Sirtkoy 73300
Sulak 73300
Tekekoy 73300
Tepekoy 73300
Toklu 73300
Toprakli 73300
Ucarli 73300
Ucok 73300
Ulak 73300
Yagmurca 73300
Yalaz 73300
Yarbasi 73300
Yavsan 73300
Yayalar 73300
Yoruk 73300
Yuksekkoy 73300
Yuvali 73300

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