Khartsyzk Zip Codes: Donetsk Oblast, Ukraine
List of Khartsyzk Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Khartsyzk Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Donetsk Oblast Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.
Zip/Postal Codes
Hirne | 86782 |
Ilovaisk | 86793 |
Khartsyzk | 86702 86703 86704 86706 86709 |
Mykolaivka | 86783 |
Pivche | 86790 |
Pokrovka | 86793 |
Shakhtne | 86791 |
Shyroke | 86792 |
Tretiaky | 86793 |
Troitsko-Khartsyzk | 86790 |
Tsupky | 86783 |
Vedmezhe | 86704 |
Vodobud | 86783 |
Voikove | 86792 |
Vynohradne | 86793 |
Zuhres | 86783 86786 |
Zuivka | 86781 |
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