Shumskyi Zip Codes: Ternopil Oblast, Ukraine

List of Shumskyi Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Shumskyi Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Ternopil Oblast Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Andrushivka 47111
Antonivtsi 47103
Bashkivtsi 47124
Birky 47133
Bolozhivka 47115
Brykiv 47140
Bykivtsi 47141
Hrynkivtsi 47164
Khodaky 47114
Konovytsia 47101 47140
Kordyshiv 47131
Kruholets 47101
Kudlaivka 47163
Kutianka 47103
Kuty 47172
Litovyshche 47112
Liudvyshche 47130
Mala Ilovytsia 47103
Mali Dederkaly 47173
Mali Sadky 47114
Mali Zahaitsi 47153
Matviivtsi 47164
Miziuryntsi 47155
Myrove 47131
Novosilka 47150
Novostav 47133
Obych 47123
Oderadivka 47124
Onyshkivtsi 47174
Peremorivka 47103
Pidhaitsi 47162
Pishchatyntsi 47163
Potutoriv 47142
Radoshivka 47146
Rokhmaniv 47105
Ruska Huta 47103
Sadky 47143
Shkrobotivka 47145
Shumbar 47152
Shumske 47101 47103
Soshyshche 47103
Sosnivka 47132
Stizhok 47120
Surazh 47114
Temnohaitsi 47154
Tetylkivtsi 47175
Tsetsenivka 47151
Tury 47153
Tyliavka 47124
Uhorsk 47121
Vaskivtsi 47113
Velyka Ilovytsia 47110
Velyki Dederkaly 47144
Velyki Zahaitsi 47153
Verbytsia 47163
Viliia 47150
Vovkivtsi 47171
Zabara 47122
Zalistsi 47122
Zaluzhzhia 47105
Zholobky 47125

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