Tomashpilskyi Zip Codes: Vinnytsia Oblast, Ukraine

List of Tomashpilskyi Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Tomashpilskyi Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Vinnytsia Oblast Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Antonivka 24213
Antopil 24249
Blahodatne 24220
Hnatkiv 24232
Horyshkivka 24221
HoryshkivskeSelyshche 24200
Kalynka 24215
Kasianivka 24222
Kolodenka 24245
Komarhorod 24225
KomarhorodskeSelyshche 24225
Kyslytske 24226
Lypivka 24205
Markivka 24248
Netrebivka 24233
Oleksandrivka 24220
Palanka 24222
Penkivka 24211
Pylypy-Borivski 24215
Rakova 24262
Rozhniativka 24212
Rusava-Radianka 24232
Stina 24231
Tomashpil 24200 24291
Vapniarka 24240 24241
Vapniarky 24222
Velyka Rusava 24210
Verbova 24246
Vyla 24214
Vysoke 24247
Yalanets 24234
Yaryshivka 24206
Zabiliany 24220
Zholoby 24224

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