Andrushivskyi Zip Codes: Zhytomyr Oblast, Ukraine

List of Andrushivskyi Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Andrushivskyi Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Zhytomyr Oblast Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Andrushivka 13401 13402
Antopil 13414
Borok 13420
Brovky Druhi 13452
Brovky Pershi 13444
Chervone 13434
Chubarivka 13411
Halchyn 13432
Harapivka 13443
Hlynivtsi 13415
Horodkivka 13450
Horodyshche 13440
Ivankiv 13410
Ivnytsia 13420
Kameni 13451
Korchmyshche 13421
Kotivka 13434
Krylivka 13435
Lebedyntsi 13446
Liubymivka 13426
Lysivka 13401
Mala Piatyhirka 13453
Mali Moshkivtsi 13431
Minkivtsi 13440
Mostove 13441
Nekhvoroshch 13433
Nova Kotelnia 13412
Novoivnytske 13419
Pavelky 13442
Stara Kotelnia 13413
Starosillia 13413
Stepok 13421
Tarasivka 13401
Velyki Moshkivtsi 13416
Volosiv 13411
Volytsia 13424
Yareshky 13445
Yaropovychi 13423
Zabara 13430
Zarubyntsi 13425
Zherdeli 13451

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