Sussex Zip Codes: Delaware, United States

List of Sussex Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Sussex Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Delaware Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Bethany Beach 19930
Bethel 19931
Bridgeville 19933
Dagsboro 19939
Delmar 19940
Ellendale 19941
Fenwick Island 19944
Frankford 19945
Georgetown 19947
Greenwood 19950
Harbeson 19951
Laurel 19956
Lewes 19958
Lincoln 19960
Milford 19963
Millsboro 19966
Millville 19967
Milton 19968
Nassau 19969
Ocean View 19970
Rehoboth Beach 19971
Seaford 19973
Selbyville 19975

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