Linn Zip Codes: Iowa, United States

List of Linn Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Linn Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Iowa Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Alburnett 52202
Cedar Rapids 52401 52402 52403 52404 52405 52406 52407 52408 52409 52410 52411 52497 52498 52499
Center Point 52213
Central City 52214
Coggon 52218
Ely 52227
Fairfax 52228
Hiawatha 52233
Lisbon 52253
Marion 52302
Mount Vernon 52314
Palo 52324
Prairieburg 52219
Robins 52328
Springville 52336
Toddville 52341
Troy Mills 52344
Walker 52352

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