Charles Zip Codes: Maryland, United States

List of Charles Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Charles Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Maryland Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Bel Alton 20611
Benedict 20612
Bryans Road 20616
Bryantown 20617
Cobb Island 20625
Faulkner 20632
Hughesville 20637
Indian Head 20640
Ironsides 20643
Issue 20645
La Plata 20646
Marbury 20658
Mount Victoria 20661
Nanjemoy 20662
Newburg 20664
Pomfret 20675
Port Tobacco 20677
Rock Point 20682
Waldorf 20601 20602 20603 20604
Welcome 20693
White Plains 20695

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