Frederick Zip Codes: Maryland, United States

List of Frederick Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Frederick Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Maryland Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Adamstown 21710
Braddock Heights 21714
Brunswick 21716
Buckeystown 21717
Burkittsville 21718
Emmitsburg 21727
Frederick 21701 21702 21703 21704 21705 21709
Ijamsville 21754
Jefferson 21755
Knoxville 21758
Ladiesburg 21759
Libertytown 21762
Middletown 21769
Monrovia 21770
Mount Airy 21771
Myersville 21773
New Market 21774
New Midway 21775
Point Of Rocks 21777
Rocky Ridge 21778
Sabillasville 21780
Thurmont 21788
Tuscarora 21790
Unionville 21792
Walkersville 21793
Woodsboro 21798

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