Somerset Zip Codes: Maine, United States

List of Somerset Zip / Post Codes: You can search for the Somerset Zip Codes updated to 2020, the Maine Zip Codes is automatically taken from official sites.

Zip/Postal Codes

Anson 04911
Athens 04912
Bingham 04920
Cambridge 04923
Canaan 04924
Caratunk 04925
Detroit 04929
Fairfield 04937
Harmony 04942
Hartland 04943
Hinckley 04944
Jackman 04945
Madison 04950
New Portland 04954 04961
Norridgewock 04957
North Anson 04958
Palmyra 04965
Pittsfield 04967
Rockwood 04478
Saint Albans 04971
Shawmut 04975
Skowhegan 04976
Smithfield 04978
Solon 04979
West Forks 04985

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