Paysandu Zip / Posst Codes (Uruguay)

See the Paysandu postal code (Uruguay), you can find the most up-to-date Birmingham postal code here.

In addition, if you want to see the postal code of other related areas, please scroll down, or return to the homepage.

Zip/Postal Codes

Algorta 60002
Beisso 60010
Cerro Chato 60001
Chapicuy 60005
Eucaliptus 60017
Gallinal 60001
Guichon 60008
Lorenzo Geyres 60004
Merinos 60009
P.pandule 60013
Paysandu 60000
Piedras Coloradas 60003
Pinera 60010
Porvenir 60012
Quebracho 60001
San Javier 65001

Other countries
